Command line: System commands

>TaskInfo reboot

Reboot system. System will try to stop all application gracefully. It will ask you about waiting for application exiting.

>TaskInfo freboot

Force reboot system. Stop and restart system as fast as possible. If an application does not exit on close command during a short period of time, it will be terminated and all non-saved data in it will be lost.

>TaskInfo shutdown

Shutdown system. System will try to stop all applications gracefully. It will ask you about waiting for application exiting.

>TaskInfo fshutdown

Force shutdown system. Stop and shutdown system as fast as possible. If an application does not exit on close command during a short period of time, it will be terminated and all non-saved data in it will be lost.

>TaskInfo sync

Flush system registry and file cache to disk. See also Tools menu.

image/candle.gif See also: process commands